About Us
We are the Parish of Denham and part of the Church of England in the Diocese of Oxford.
As Christians we find the person of Jesus Christ so compelling that we aim to put him first in our lives, become a community that is marked by grace and love and share what we have found with those we know and the community we live in.
Our Vision & Mission
God calls us to become increasingly like the person of Jesus Christ, whom we follow. We summarise that vision with the words PRAY, WELCOME, SHARE. To find out more about our future direction and our goals for the next years, please click on the button below.
Our History
There was a church in Denham before our current St Mary’s Church was built. The oldest part of the church building is the tower, which was built between 1100 and 1120. The chancel was built in the 13th century and the nave in the 15th century.
When you visit St Mary’s (for a church service or during office hours in the week) you can pick up a guide with a detailed description of our church.
With the arrival of the railway and the significant expansion of London in the 20th century, other parts of Denham developed. Today our two other worship locations are St Mark’s in Denham Green and St Francis Chapel in New Denham.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the Christian faith, about weddings, baptisms, or our church activities, please contact us. We would love to hear from you.
Christoph Lindner – Rector