Events, Talks, News Sheets and more
Events, Talks, News Sheets and more
On Sunday at St Mary’s there will be a 9am Holy Communion service. This will be in person only. This will be followed by a 10:30 am Holy Communion service which will be onsite at St Mary’s and online via our YouTube channel.
Sunday Club will take place during the 10:30 am service and the Destiny children will be taking a walk to the country park.
If you are able to join us onsite at St Mary’s for either service, please do. We would love to see you.
If you are watching the service on Youtube, the words will be on the screen but you can also download the service sheet here. Service Sheet 241013 HC
Click on the link below for the online service: Online Sunday Service
We hope you enjoy the service.
On Sunday at St Mary’s there will be a 9am Holy Communion service. This will be in person only.
It will be followed by a 10:30 am Harvest Thanksgiving Service which will be onsite at St Mary’s and online via our YouTube channel. This will be a fun packed service for all ages so please do come along. Families who wish to are invited to bring food vouchers as a Harvest offering.
If you are watching the service on Youtube, the words will be on the screen but you can also download the service sheet here. Service Sheet 241006 OoS 1030am Booklet
Click on the link below for the online service: Online Sunday Service
We hope you enjoy the service.
On Sunday at St Mary’s there will be a 9am Holy Communion service. This will be in person only. This will be followed by a 10:30 am Holy Communion service which will be onsite at St Mary’s and online via our YouTube channel.
Sunday Club will take place during the 10:30 am service.
If you are able to join us onsite at St Mary’s for either service, please do. We would love to see you.
If you are watching the service on Youtube, the words will be on the screen but you can also download the service sheet here. Service Sheet 240922 HC
Click on the link below for the online service: Online Sunday Service
We hope you enjoy the service.
On Sunday at St Mary’s there will be a 9am Holy Communion service. This will be in person only. This will be followed by a 10:30 am service which will be onsite at St Mary’s and online via our YouTube channel.
Sunday Club will take place during the 10:30 am service.
If you are able to join us onsite at St Mary’s for either service, please do. We would love to see you.
If you are watching the service on Youtube, the words will be on the screen but you can also download the service sheet here. Service Sheet 240915
Click on the link below for the online service: Online Sunday Service
We hope you enjoy the service.
… for September with lots of important information!
On Sunday we will not have a 9am Holy Communion service.
We invite everyone to attend our special 10:30am service to celebrate St Mary’s Festival. This will be onsite at St Mary’s and online via our YouTube channel.
Sunday Club will be taking place and the children will be singing a song during the service.
If you are watching the service on Youtube, the words will be on the screen but you can also download the service sheet here. Service Sheet 240908
Click on the link below for the online service: Online Sunday Service
Please stay after the service for a host of fun activities including: a BBQ, vestry teas, bell chiming, church tours and children’s activities culminating in a concert by the aLUMNI Wind Quintet.
On Sunday we have our regular 9am Holy Communion service onsite at St Mary’s only, followed by our 10:30am service which is onsite at St Mary’s and online via our YouTube channel.
Sunday Club will not be taking place in the vestry during the 10:30 am service but there will be a quiet activity available for children at the back of the church and children can take a story sack back to their seats.
The 10:30 am service will be a special service to celebrate and thank Nnamdi and the Maduka family for their contributions to St Mary’s over the past 5.5 years. It will be followed by a bring and share lunch, so please do come along.
If you are watching the service on Youtube, the words will be on the screen but you can also download the service sheet here. Service Sheet 240901
Click on the link below for the online service: Online Sunday Service
Our Summer magazine is out now!
Click here or on the title image above to download a PDF of the magazine…
Would you like to subscribe to the paper version? Email our editor…
On Sunday we have our regular 9am Holy Communion service onsite at St Mary’s only, followed by our 10:30am service which is onsite at St Mary’s and online via our YouTube channel.
Sunday Club will not be taking place in the vestry during the 10:30 am service but there will be a quiet activity available for children at the back of the church and children can take a story sack back to their seats.
If you are able to join us onsite at St Mary’s we would love to see you, we miss seeing you face to face!
Words will be on the screen, but you can also download the service sheet here. Service Sheet 240825 HC
Click on the link below for the online service: Online Sunday Service
On Sunday we have our regular 9am Holy Communion service onsite at St Mary’s only, followed by our 10:30am service which is onsite at St Mary’s and online via our YouTube channel.
Sunday Club will not be taking place in the vestry during the 10:30 am service but there will be a quiet activity available for children at the back of the church and children can take a story sack back to their seats.
If you are able to join us onsite at St Mary’s we would love to see you, we miss seeing you face to face!
Words will be on the screen, but you can also download the service sheet here. Service Sheet 240818
Click on the link below for the online service: Online Sunday Service
If you’d like to explore the Christian faith, we’d love to be part of your journey of faith. There are also some helpful websites as a starting point:
St Mary’s Church Office
Village Road
Denham UB9 5BH
Tel: 01895 832771
Monday 09:30am – 12:00 pm
Tuesday 09.30am – 12:00 pm
Wednesday Office Closed
Thursday 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Friday 9:30 am – 12:00 pm