Café Church with Sheila Crunden


Sheila worked for many years with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Togo. She was supported by the congregation at St Mark’s, Denham. When she retired in 2010, she recommended Samuel Kpagheri as her successor. Samuel is one of our mission partners and continues
the work of Bible translation as translation consultant in West Africa. Sheila will be talking about her faith story, how she joined Wycliffe, and the life and work of Bible translator.

CAFÉ CHURCH, 2 July, 3.30-5.00pm
St Mark’s Church Hall, Denham Green
Coffee and tea available from 3.15pm
St Mark’s Church Hall I Green Tiles Lane l Denham Green I UB9 5HT


Remembering Mike and Pam Dymott

Today, 14 February, is the funeral of Pam Dymott. To thank God for her and her husband Mike and to remember them, you can download an article here from 2020 about their 60th wedding anniversary.

Click here or on the photo below to download the article…

220612 Sunday Service on 12th June 2022

Sunday Service with guest speaker from Bible Reading Fellowship, live from St Mary’s Church, starting at 10.30am, (and stream live afterwards).

You can join in with the words which will show live during the service.

Click here to view service sheet…

Click here to watch service via YouTube


Reflecting on the news, our faith and culture


Would you like to reflect on the intersection of faith, news and culture? This new podcast does just that – recommended!
Click here for the podcast…

Nicky Gumbel’s Confession – with Giles Fraser

In his sermon on 17 October at 10.30, Christoph mentioned the story of Nicky Gumbel. Here is a video in which he tells it to Giles Fraser.

You can watch the service from 17 October by clicking here…

Our Lent Appeal: Bibles in Ncam

On Sunday, Christoph talked with Samuel Kpagheri at Church Coffee Online. Samuel works with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Togo and West Africa as a translation consultant.
We talk about the bible in Ncam, the local language, to which Samuel contributed. It was completed in 2015. Alongside it runs a literacy programme especially geared towards women who have a crucial role in the education of the next generation. Many people do not have the resources to buy their own Bible in Ncam. This Lent, can you make a contribution towards free and subsidised Bibles so that many more can read the Bible in their mother tongue?

You can give online by clicking here,* or make an online bank transfer (details below).

Watch the interview:

*(All online donations made until Good Friday will be given to our Lent Appeal).

Details for online bank transfer:

Denham Parochial Church Council
Barclays Bank Uxbridge
(Please make sure you spell the name exactly like this as banks are clamping down on the smallest mistake due to widespread fraud)

Account No.: 30305553
Sort Code: 208916
Type of Account: Business Account
Payment Reference: Bibles

Sunday Worship on 26 July 2020

Join us as Ian reflects with us on wisdom and Christoph interviews Samuel Kpagheri in Togo, West Africa.

Find all the links mentioned in the service below this video.

PLEASE NOTE: As we are getting the church ready, it won’t be open for private prayer this week.

This Sunday: Interview with Lisa Adjei from Tearfund

A couple of days ago Christoph interviewed Lisa Adjei from Tearfund about the fight against COVID-19 around the world and how Tearfund (one of our core missions) and its partners are responding to it.

We will show the interview at our 10.30am service on Sunday 12 July on Youtube. Click here for our Youtube channel…

Interview with Ian Jennings: 50 years as a pastor

Christoph Lindner speaks with Ian Jennings about 50 years as a minister. This conversation was part of our celebration service at St Mary’s Festival on 8 September. The theme of the day was “All part of the shepherds flock” and the two readings were Psalm 23 and Luke 15.