Sunday Service 01st September 2024
On Sunday we have our regular 9am Holy Communion service onsite at St Mary’s only, followed by our 10:30am service which is onsite at St Mary’s and online via our YouTube channel.
Sunday Club will not be taking place in the vestry during the 10:30 am service but there will be a quiet activity available for children at the back of the church and children can take a story sack back to their seats.
The 10:30 am service will be a special service to celebrate and thank Nnamdi and the Maduka family for their contributions to St Mary’s over the past 5.5 years. It will be followed by a bring and share lunch, so please do come along.
If you are watching the service on Youtube, the words will be on the screen but you can also download the service sheet here. Service Sheet 240901
Click on the link below for the online service: Online Sunday Service