210523 Pentecost Celebration
It’s PENTECOST SUNDAY! A service for all ages as we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit together. With special guests Gemma Hunt (CBeebies and Alpha), Pete and Sammy Greig (The Prayer Course, The Wellbeing Journey), and many members of our own community – reading, praying, singing and leading. Christoph and Edda are starting in a very windy shopping parade in Denham Green!
This service has been pre-recorded – no live chat or Church Coffee Online today. Both will be back next week.
Find all the links below.
Pentecost Activity Sheet with the Cheeky Pandas…
Take our survey to help us shape the next season…
Sign up for our APCM on Zoom (this link will not work after 10.30am on Sunday 23 May)…